I'm writing this blog for you

After many years of discipline, coaching, practice, disaster, success, failure, rejection, and I can’t remember everything I put into it, my relationships with women are just about the best part of my life, after family, health, and my personal projects.

Everybody wants to leave the world a better place than they found it. I can think of no better way to improve the world than to help other guys transform their lives like I did. I couldn’t have reached where I am today without guys coaching and helping me. So I’m sharing what they shared with me.

I believe you can have the following for yourself — adjusted for your tastes. Not everyone wants multiple simultaneous long-term deep relationships. Maybe you want a wife. Or one night stands. Or just to date a lot. Whatever you want in your relationships with women, it all comes from knowing how to attract women, behave with authenticity and genuineness, and fearlessly show some balls. No matter how many girls say “just be yourself,” learning these things and putting them into practice is hard. But the rewards are great.

A snapshot of what learning to attract women has brought me

Two nights ago I had sex with one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen — a dance instructor. She adores me. She danced for me all around my apartment, taking her clothes off between songs, asking me to take video of her. My primary girl is studying for medical school and stripping on the side. Another girl is coming over tonight to cook dinner with me. Her last email started off “I miss you so much.” Tomorrow I have a date with another girl I met while writing posts for this blog. She was at the same cafe, looking hot, so I talked to her. It was as easy as that. Some of these girls I have sex with. Not all. But I have great relationships with all the girls in my life.

While typing this post another girl came up and gave me her number. She’s hot and told me she just starting working at the hottest club in this city (I’m traveling now). Frankly I don’t know what drew her over. Things like that keep happening. When girls are attracted to you they act on that attraction.

My relationships are more meaningful than ever. Anyone who thinks having deep feelings for one girl makes you feel less for another doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I share deeper and more enduring emotions with girls than I did before learning these skills. They share more with me too. I am more confident, more giving, and more accepting. I allow myself to be more vulnerable and girls let themselves be more vulnerable with me. I’ve had more than one fantasy come through for me. I’ve helped several girls have fantasies come true with me. Several girls have told me I gave them the best sex of their lives.

To be frank I’ve been hurt too. Some girls don’t like guys who other girls are attracted to. But instead of developing a thick skin, I’ve learned resilience. That is, I don’t learn not to care. I care more. But I develop strength to remain myself in the face of adversity.

And the social skills I learned relating to girls improve nearly all other aspects of my life — professionally and personally.

The best guys I know are ones I pick up girls with and share stories with. We’ve seen each other crash and burn, score great girls, throw parties together, get hurt, get past doormen, etc. I know how to make business connections, lead, negotiate, etc better than ever.

I’m describing the tip of the iceberg. You’re capable of everything I am.

I’m writing here to help you along — to share techniques, mindsets, experiences, advice, etc. If you have any questions, post and I’ll try to help.