About The Doctor

Brilliant coaching by The Doctor.

— Brad P.

About me

The Doctor coaches attraction and dating skills for Brad P, several times voted the #1 rated teacher and school.

He is over 40, based in New York City, and began participating in learning attraction in 2007. He took Brad P’s 30/30 club in mid-2010, soon becoming an online coach in the club’s private forum, earning reviews such as “You fucking rock” and “You’ve helped me more than you know” and leading to having sex with twenty-one women in 2011.

Before learning of the attraction community, The Doctor earned a PhD in science. An introverted geek among geeks, as much as he loved science, he considered it an impediment to meeting girls and had more than one year-plus sex-less dry spells.

His main personal improvements have been to recognize what parts about being a geeky nice guy were helping him and what were hurting him in attracting women and building healthy, sexual, mutually-fulfilling relationships. With coaching, practice, discipline, and dedication, he’s achieved everything he wanted and more.

Now he’s created a blend of confidence, assertiveness, and humor that’s neither nice guy nor jerk, based in genuineness, authenticity, non-judgment, masculinity, effective body language, and emotional awareness. He learned how not to hide his geekiness but to share it genuinely, authentically, and ultimately attractively. Where he once meekly hid himself to the side at social events or studied in the library on Friday nights, now he has a full social life. He can be the life of the party to the point where people think he was a born extrovert.

He tends to date women in their mid-20s, though the past few years have seen him dating women from 21 to 39 years old. Thee-quarters of the women he has slept with are Asian, whom he is most attracted to, though he has dated women of all ethnicities (he’s white). He’s had to learn many skills related to dating Asians and women of different ethnicities and cultures.

No stranger to the passion and spontaneity of one-night or short-term relationships, these days he prefers longer-term relationships and has developed skills for maintaining and building depth, emotional connection, and mutual learning and growth to match his fast initial attraction skills. He’s built sexual skills too, to the point where numerous women have told him that sex with him was the best they’d ever had.

Outside of coaching with Brad P, The Doctor is a successful businessman (having left academia), world traveller, and public speaker.

To book with him, contact him directly at thedoctor at bradp dot com or by phone or email through the BradP offices.


  1. Dear Doctor,

    Excellent, I am so glad that someone whom is +40 is an expert in this since, their are LOTS of men in that age range and look better and are fitter then many men 10-15years their junior! Please when/where will you be hosting other ‘hnads-on’ bootcamps?


    • Not only that, there are LOTS of women who love men this age! … many of them 10-15 years their junior as well.

      I do monthly talks, some of them hands-on, especially the kino ones, where I bring a girl to demonstrate and practice with. The best way to find out my schedule is to email me at thedoctor at bradp dot com or contact the Brad P offices at http://bradp.com/contact-our-1-pickup-artist-team.

      (I’ll also contact you directly to follow up).

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