Feel confident with whatever number of partners you want

Society has a love-hate relationship with people who like to have sex with many partners.

Conventional wisdom says that society values men who have many partners and devalues women who do, but I’ve never met someone who felt that way. Everyone I’ve asked, and I’ve asked many, describe valuing men and women equally. They equally support women and men who have sex with many. They equally support women and men who have sex with few. The “conventional wisdom” has negligible basis in actual people, according to my casual research.

Meanwhile, men and women I’ve asked also value having many partners before wanting to settle down. Many women seem to think most men want many women forever, but no man I’ve met, including men who have had sex with hundreds of women, has told me he wants many partners forever.

As much as people say society values men who have sex with many partners, many women act like a man wanting many partners is bad, or degrading women — even as they seek and enjoy multiple partners themselves.

As best I can tell, everyone wants to know what’s out there, mainly for experience before delving into depth with one. Even people with non-exclusive relationships I know want a small number of very intimate relationships.

My point: If anyone tries to shame you for whatever number of partners you want, you can feel confident that hundreds of millions of people, even billions, feel just like you.

On the contrary, I recommend you take pride in knowing what you want and acting for it. I don’t recommend wanting something but not acting for it because others have different values.

When my clients improve their attraction skills, they tend to learn more about themselves and love life more, uninhibited by others’ judgment and puritanism. It’s like freedom.

And security. He can develop intimacy with one woman knowing that he chose her, not feeling insecure that he had to settle for her, having no better options.

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